Data Strategy

The need for a data strategy

Utilising data effectively is becoming critical to achieving competitive advantage over your competitors. Having the right data strategy enables you to ensure your data architecture can support your strategic objectives. Without a centralised vision and foundation, different parts of your business will treat data differently leading to fragmentation and making it difficult to determine one version of the truth.

Our approach to data strategy

We will work with you to understand your business objectives and review your current data architecture, utilising the Lucmor data strategy canvas:

At the end of the exercise we will deliver the following:

Data strategy report

The report will identify future data and capability needs required to meet your business objectives and an analysis of your existing data value chain to identify opportunities for improvement

Data improvement roadmap

Key workloads are identified to support the Data Strategy. Workloads will be prioritised to deliver a high-level roadmap for your organisation

Data governance operating model

We will help identify people, processes and technology required to enable your organisation to support the data strategy

If you'd like to know more please contact us